Below are the timings from all bus stops for the bus route 10H/25S moving towards (→) Suchitra. Instead if you are looking for timings when moving towards the other direction (Kondapur Bus Depot), please check 10H/25S Bus Route page or visit directly Route 10H/25S Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Kondapur Bus Depot.
TSRTC might change the timings for route 10H/25S as per the public demand and we do our best to provide you with updated bus timings. However the timings provided here for route 10H/25S is only for your reference, for accurate info, please check with TSRTC customer care.
10H/25S Bus Timings from Kondapur Bus Depot towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Kondapur Bus Depot
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:06 PM
- 12:45 PM
- 1:22 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Kondapur towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Kondapur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:07 PM
- 12:46 PM
- 1:23 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Kothaguda Miyapur Bus Stop towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Kothaguda Miyapur Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:09 PM
- 12:48 PM
- 1:25 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Kothaguda Bus Stop towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Kothaguda Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:10 PM
- 12:49 PM
- 1:26 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Minerva Bus Stop towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Minerva Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:12 PM
- 12:51 PM
- 1:28 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Hitex Kaman towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Hitex Kaman
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:13 PM
- 12:52 PM
- 1:29 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Shilparam towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Shilparam
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:15 PM
- 12:54 PM
- 1:31 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Shilparamam Cyber Towers towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Shilparamam Cyber Towers
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:16 PM
- 12:55 PM
- 1:32 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Hitech City towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Hitech City
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:18 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 1:34 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Madhapur Image Gradens towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Madhapur Image Gradens
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:19 PM
- 12:58 PM
- 1:35 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Madhapur Bus Stop towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Madhapur Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:21 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 1:37 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Madhapur towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Madhapur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:22 PM
- 1:01 PM
- 1:38 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Madhapur Police Station Bus Stop towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Madhapur Police Station Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:24 PM
- 1:03 PM
- 1:40 PM
- Last Bus
10H/25S Bus Timings from Live Life Hospital towards (→) Suchitra
- Route No: 10H/25S
- Bus going towards: Suchitra
- Bus Timings from: Live Life Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:25 PM
- 1:04 PM
- 1:41 PM
- Last Bus