Below are the timings from all bus stops for the bus route 208R moving towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station. Instead if you are looking for timings when moving towards the other direction (Nampally), please check 208R Bus Route page or visit directly Route 208R Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Nampally.
TSRTC might change the timings for route 208R as per the public demand and we do our best to provide you with updated bus timings. However the timings provided here for route 208R is only for your reference, for accurate info, please check with TSRTC customer care.
208R Bus Timings from Nampally towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Nampally
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:44 PM
- 12:45 PM
- 5:04 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 6:14 PM
- 6:15 PM
- 7:24 PM
- 7:25 PM
- 7:44 PM
- 7:45 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Nampally Railway Station towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Nampally Railway Station
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:45 PM
- 12:46 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 5:06 PM
- 6:15 PM
- 6:16 PM
- 7:25 PM
- 7:26 PM
- 7:45 PM
- 7:46 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Gandhi Bhavan Bus Stop towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Gandhi Bhavan Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:47 PM
- 12:48 PM
- 5:07 PM
- 5:08 PM
- 6:17 PM
- 6:18 PM
- 7:27 PM
- 7:28 PM
- 7:47 PM
- 7:48 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Mozamjahi Market towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Mozamjahi Market
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:48 PM
- 12:49 PM
- 5:08 PM
- 5:09 PM
- 6:18 PM
- 6:19 PM
- 7:28 PM
- 7:29 PM
- 7:48 PM
- 7:49 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Koti towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Koti
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:50 PM
- 12:51 PM
- 5:10 PM
- 5:11 PM
- 6:20 PM
- 6:21 PM
- 7:30 PM
- 7:31 PM
- 7:50 PM
- 7:51 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Koti Bus Stop towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Koti Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:51 PM
- 12:52 PM
- 5:11 PM
- 5:12 PM
- 6:21 PM
- 6:22 PM
- 7:31 PM
- 7:32 PM
- 7:51 PM
- 7:52 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Koti Osmaniya Hospital towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Koti Osmaniya Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:53 PM
- 12:54 PM
- 5:13 PM
- 5:14 PM
- 6:23 PM
- 6:24 PM
- 7:33 PM
- 7:34 PM
- 7:53 PM
- 7:54 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Koti Bus Terminus towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Koti Bus Terminus
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:54 PM
- 12:55 PM
- 5:14 PM
- 5:15 PM
- 6:24 PM
- 6:25 PM
- 7:34 PM
- 7:35 PM
- 7:54 PM
- 7:55 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Koti Womens College towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Koti Womens College
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:56 PM
- 12:57 PM
- 5:16 PM
- 5:17 PM
- 6:26 PM
- 6:27 PM
- 7:36 PM
- 7:37 PM
- 7:56 PM
- 7:57 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Chaderghat Bus Stop towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Chaderghat Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 12:58 PM
- 12:59 PM
- 5:18 PM
- 5:19 PM
- 6:28 PM
- 6:29 PM
- 7:38 PM
- 7:39 PM
- 7:58 PM
- 7:59 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Nalgonda Cross Roads towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Nalgonda Cross Roads
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 1:00 PM
- 1:01 PM
- 5:20 PM
- 5:21 PM
- 6:30 PM
- 6:31 PM
- 7:40 PM
- 7:41 PM
- 8:00 PM
- 8:01 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Malakpet towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Malakpet
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 1:01 PM
- 1:02 PM
- 5:21 PM
- 5:22 PM
- 6:31 PM
- 6:32 PM
- 7:41 PM
- 7:42 PM
- 8:01 PM
- 8:02 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Super Bazar Bus Stop towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Super Bazar Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 1:03 PM
- 1:04 PM
- 5:23 PM
- 5:24 PM
- 6:33 PM
- 6:34 PM
- 7:43 PM
- 7:44 PM
- 8:03 PM
- 8:04 PM
- Last Bus
208R Bus Timings from Moosarambagh Bus Stop towards (→) Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Route No: 208R
- Bus going towards: Hayath Nagar Bus Station
- Bus Timings from: Moosarambagh Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 1:04 PM
- 1:05 PM
- 5:24 PM
- 5:25 PM
- 6:34 PM
- 6:35 PM
- 7:44 PM
- 7:45 PM
- 8:04 PM
- 8:05 PM
- Last Bus