Below are the timings from all bus stops for the bus route 229G moving towards (→) Ranigunj. Instead if you are looking for timings when moving towards the other direction (Girmapur), please check 229G Bus Route page or visit directly Route 229G Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Girmapur.
TSRTC might change the timings for route 229G as per the public demand and we do our best to provide you with updated bus timings. However the timings provided here for route 229G is only for your reference, for accurate info, please check with TSRTC customer care.
229G Bus Timings from Girmapur towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Girmapur
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:55 AM
- 10:55 AM
- 1:25 PM
- 4:25 PM
- 7:15 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Medchal Railway Station towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Medchal Railway Station
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
- 1:30 PM
- 4:30 PM
- 7:20 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Medchal Bus Stop towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Medchal Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:03 AM
- 11:03 AM
- 1:33 PM
- 4:33 PM
- 7:23 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Medchal Chekpost towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Medchal Chekpost
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:07 AM
- 11:07 AM
- 1:37 PM
- 4:37 PM
- 7:27 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Medchal Gubba towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Medchal Gubba
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:08 AM
- 11:08 AM
- 1:38 PM
- 4:38 PM
- 7:28 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from CMR College of Engineering and Technology towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: CMR College of Engineering and Technology
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:10 AM
- 11:10 AM
- 1:40 PM
- 4:40 PM
- 7:30 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Kandlakoya Bus Stop towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Kandlakoya Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:14 AM
- 11:14 AM
- 1:44 PM
- 4:44 PM
- 7:34 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Gundlapochampalli towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Gundlapochampalli
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:20 AM
- 11:20 AM
- 1:50 PM
- 4:50 PM
- 7:40 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Kompally towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Kompally
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:27 AM
- 11:27 AM
- 1:57 PM
- 4:57 PM
- 7:47 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Dollapally X Road/Kompally Chorwsta towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Dollapally X Road/Kompally Chorwsta
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:29 AM
- 11:29 AM
- 1:59 PM
- 4:59 PM
- 7:49 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Kompally Bus Stop towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Kompally Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:30 AM
- 11:30 AM
- 2:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 7:50 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from Cine Planet Bus Stop towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: Cine Planet Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:32 AM
- 11:32 AM
- 2:02 PM
- 5:02 PM
- 7:52 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from NCL towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: NCL
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:33 AM
- 11:33 AM
- 2:03 PM
- 5:03 PM
- 7:53 PM
- Last Bus
229G Bus Timings from NCL Balaji Hospital towards (→) Ranigunj
- Route No: 229G
- Bus going towards: Ranigunj
- Bus Timings from: NCL Balaji Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 8:35 AM
- 11:35 AM
- 2:05 PM
- 5:05 PM
- 7:55 PM
- Last Bus