Below are the timings from all bus stops for the bus route 9K/283K moving towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal. Instead if you are looking for timings when moving towards the other direction (Suraram Colony), please check 9K/283K Bus Route page or visit directly Route 9K/283K Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Suraram Colony.
TSRTC might change the timings for route 9K/283K as per the public demand and we do our best to provide you with updated bus timings. However the timings provided here for route 9K/283K is only for your reference, for accurate info, please check with TSRTC customer care.
9K/283K Bus Timings from Suraram Colony Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Suraram Colony Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:01 AM
- 8:01 AM
- 8:35 AM
- 5:50 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Suraram X- Road Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Suraram X- Road Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:02 AM
- 8:02 AM
- 8:36 AM
- 5:51 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Saibad X Road towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Saibad X Road
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:04 AM
- 8:04 AM
- 8:38 AM
- 5:53 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Kona Krishna Reddy Nagar towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Kona Krishna Reddy Nagar
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:05 AM
- 8:05 AM
- 8:39 AM
- 5:54 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Jeedimetla Bus Depot towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Jeedimetla Bus Depot
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:07 AM
- 8:07 AM
- 8:41 AM
- 5:56 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Jeedimetla Substation Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Jeedimetla Substation Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:08 AM
- 8:08 AM
- 8:42 AM
- 5:57 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Rythu Bazzar Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Rythu Bazzar Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:10 AM
- 8:10 AM
- 8:44 AM
- 5:59 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Shapur Nagar towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Shapur Nagar
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:11 AM
- 8:11 AM
- 8:45 AM
- 6:00 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Gajula Ramam X Road towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Gajula Ramam X Road
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:13 AM
- 8:13 AM
- 8:47 AM
- 6:02 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from HMT towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: HMT
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:14 AM
- 8:14 AM
- 8:48 AM
- 6:03 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Chintal Chowrasta towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Chintal Chowrasta
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:16 AM
- 8:16 AM
- 8:50 AM
- 6:05 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Chintal Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Chintal Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:17 AM
- 8:17 AM
- 8:51 AM
- 6:06 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from Ganesh Nagar Bus Stop towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: Ganesh Nagar Bus Stop
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:19 AM
- 8:19 AM
- 8:53 AM
- 6:08 PM
- Last Bus
9K/283K Bus Timings from District Bus Stop IDPL Colony towards (→) Afzalgunj Terminal
- Route No: 9K/283K
- Bus going towards: Afzalgunj Terminal
- Bus Timings from: District Bus Stop IDPL Colony
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 5:20 AM
- 8:20 AM
- 8:54 AM
- 6:09 PM
- Last Bus