195W Hyderabad City Bus Route & Timings

Stop No. Stop Name
1 HCU Bus Depot
2 HCU Telephone Exchange
3 Hyderabad Central University
4 Masjid Banda
5 Hyderabad Central University Gate 2
6 Gachibowli Stadium
10 Indra Nagar
11 Gachibowli,M L NAYAK
12 Telecom Nagar
13 Lumbini Avenue
14 Mind Space
15 Cyber Gateway Bus Stop
16 Hitech City
17 Hitech City MMTS
18 Zyka Dhaba
19 Malaysian Township
20 KPHB Circle
21 KPHB Colony MIG
22 Rythu Bazar KP
23 JNTU Bus Stop
24 Nizampet X Road
25 Honey Tots Pre School
26 Nizampet
27 Nizampet Village
28 Kesenaris
29 Rajivgandhi Nagar
30 Rajeev Gandhi Nagar 2
31 Bachupally X Road

8 Replies to “195W”

  1. Buses are not available after 9:30…which is very hard to go home…hoping the bus will come and it’s not.

  2. 195w you can’t find this bus in between 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm what the hell some employees and students starts from afternoon at the same time this so called bus takes rest such a worst service I would choose auto or shuttle service rather than this freaking rtc 195w service you hardly find 1 or none bus for every 1/2 hour.

  3. Very bad service I am waiting still 2 min I saw 9 buses went to bachupally but no one come back since 2 hours, what they are doing this very very bad service

  4. such an time waste for waiting for this bus no busses at peak hours & observed no of busses till JNTU its very difficult to travel please increse the no of busses at Morning as wel as evening to Baccupally

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