223J Hyderabad City Bus Route & Timings

Hyderabad city bus route no 223J operated by TSRTC, runs between Patancheru Bus Terminal and Jeedimetla Bus Depot. This Hyderabad city bus no: 223J runs about 4 trips (one way) every day and covers a total of 52 bus stops during the journey.

Overview of Route No. 223J Hyderabad City Bus (TSRTC)

Jeedimetla Bus Depot to → Patancheru Bus Terminal Patancheru Bus Terminal to → Jeedimetla Bus Depot
First Bus 8:39 AM 3:40 PM
Last Bus 9:00 AM 4:20 PM
Route Details View Route View Route
Time Table View Time Table View Time Table
No. of Departures 4 per day 2 per day

Bus no ‘223J’ (Jeedimetla Bus Depot to → Patancheru Bus Terminal) Route &Timings

Stop No. Bus Stop Name First Bus Timings
1 Jeedimetla Bus Depot 8:40 AM
2 Jeedimetla 8:40 AM
3 Jeedimetla Substation 8:42 AM
4 Shapur Nagar Rythu Bazar 8:44 AM
5 Shapur Nagar 8:46 AM
6 Gajularamaram X Roads (ESIC-JDM) 8:48 AM
7 H.M.T. 8:50 AM
8 Chintal Chowrasta 8:52 AM
9 Chintal 8:53 AM
10 Ganesh Nagar (Chintal – Balanagar) 8:55 AM
11 IDPL Colony 8:57 AM
12 Water Tank 8:59 AM
13 Usha 9:01 AM
14 Bala Nagar 9:04 AM
15 Balanagar X Roads / CITD.all.shops. 9:05 AM
16 Niper 9:08 AM
17 IDPL 9:10 AM
18 Sai Nagar (Bala Nagar) 9:12 AM
19 APSRTC Kukatpally Bus Stand 9:12 AM
20 TSRTC Kukatpally 9:12 AM
21 B.R. Ambedkar Balanagar 9:15 AM
22 Kukatpally Government College 9:17 AM
23 Kukatpally 9:19 AM
24 Sangeeth Nagar 9:20 AM
25 Vivekananda Nagar 9:22 AM
26 Vivekanandanagar Colony RDR Hospital 9:23 AM
27 KPHB Main Road 9:25 AM
28 JNTU 9:28 AM
29 Nizampet X Road 9:30 AM
30 Vasanth Nagar 9:31 AM
31 Hyder Nagar 9:32 AM
32 Miyapur Metro Station 9:37 AM
33 Miyapur X Road – SV 9:40 AM
34 Miyapur 9:42 AM
35 Allwyn X Road 9:45 AM
36 Madinaguda 9:47 AM
37 Deepthisri Nagar / Madinaguda 9:48 AM
38 Huda Colony 9:51 AM
39 Gangaram 9:52 AM
40 Chanda Nagar 9:55 AM
41 Lingampally Bus Stand 9:57 AM
42 Lingampally 9:58 AM
43 Jyothi Nagar LP 10:00 AM
44 Ashok Nagar LP 10:02 AM
45 Sri Sai Nagar 10:04 AM
46 Mandal Office 10:06 AM
47 BHEL Pushpak 10:09 AM
48 R.C. Puram 10:11 AM
49 Railway Station Gate 10:13 AM
50 ICRISAT 10:15 AM
51 Patancheru 10:19 AM
52 Patancheru Bus Terminal 10:22 AM

When you travel 223J no. city bus from Jeedimetla Bus Depot towards (→) Patancheru Bus Terminal, the first Bus is at 8:39 AM and last bus is at 9:00 AM from Jeedimetla Bus Depot bus stop. TSRTC runs a total of 4 daily trips from Jeedimetla Bus Depot towards Patancheru Bus Terminal route.

Time table for Buses from Jeedimetla Bus Depot towards (→) Patancheru Bus Terminal

  • First Bus
  • 8:39 AM
  • 8:40 AM
  • 8:59 AM
  • 9:00 AM
  • Last Bus

Want to see the timings from all others bus stops in this route and direction? please check the same at: Route 223J Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Patancheru Bus Terminal.

RETURN ROUTE: Bus no ‘223J’ (Patancheru Bus Terminal to → Jeedimetla Bus Depot Route &Timings

Stop No. Bus Stop Name First Bus Timings
1 Patancheru Bus Terminal 3:40 PM
2 Patancheru 3:42 PM
4 Railway Station Gate 3:49 PM
5 R.C. Puram 3:50 PM
6 BHEL Pushpak 3:52 PM
7 Mandal Office 3:55 PM
8 Sri Sai Nagar 3:57 PM
9 Ashok Nagar LP 3:59 PM
10 Jyothi Nagar LP 4:01 PM
11 Lingampally 4:03 PM
12 Chanda Nagar 4:06 PM
13 Gangaram 4:09 PM
14 Huda Colony 4:10 PM
15 Deepthisri Nagar / Madinaguda 4:13 PM
16 Madinaguda 4:15 PM
17 Allwyn X Road 4:17 PM
18 Miyapur 4:19 PM
19 Miyapur X Road (2) 4:21 PM
20 Miyapur Metro Station 4:24 PM
21 Hyder Nagar 4:29 PM
22 Nizampet X Road 4:32 PM
23 JNTU 4:34 PM
24 Kphb 4:36 PM
25 Vivekananda Nagar 4:40 PM
26 Kukatpally, Bjp Office 4:42 PM
27 Kukatpally Government College 4:44 PM
28 B.R. Ambedkar Balanagar 4:46 PM
29 Y Junction 4:48 PM
30 Sai Nagar (Bala Nagar) 4:49 PM
31 IDPL 4:52 PM
32 Niper 4:53 PM
33 Balanagar X Roads / CITD 4:56 PM
34 Bala Nagar 4:57 PM
35 Usha 4:59 PM
36 Water Tank 5:02 PM
37 IDPL Colony 5:04 PM
38 Ganesh Nagar (Chintal – Jeedimetla) 5:05 PM
39 Chintal 5:07 PM
40 Chintal Chowrasta 5:09 PM
41 H.M.T. 5:10 PM
42 Gajularamaram X Roads (ESIC-JDM) 5:13 PM
43 Shapur Nagar Jeedimetla 5:16 PM
44 Shapur Nagar Rythu Bazar 5:17 PM
45 Jeedimetla Substation 5:19 PM
46 Jeedimetla Auto Stand – Apurupa Colony 5:20 PM
47 Jeedimetla Depot 5:21 PM
48 Jeedimetla Bus Depot 5:21 PM

In return, when you travel 223J no. city bus from Patancheru Bus Terminal towards (→) Jeedimetla Bus Depot, the first city Bus is at 3:40 PM and last city bus is at 4:20 PM from Patancheru Bus Terminal bus stop. TSRTC runs a total of 2 daily trips from Patancheru Bus Terminal towards Jeedimetla Bus Depot route.

Time table for Buses from Patancheru Bus Terminal towards (→) Jeedimetla Bus Depot

  • First Bus
  • 3:40 PM
  • 4:20 PM
  • Last Bus

Want to see the timings from all others bus stops in this route and direction? please check the same at: Route 223J Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Jeedimetla Bus Depot.

One Reply to “223J”

  1. There are no buses from Patancheru to Jeedimetla in the morning timings causing a lot of hardship to the passengers of the Chanda Nagar & surrounding areas.Pl introduce at least 3 trips additionally to cater to the needs of the passengers

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